National Commission for the
Certification of Crane Operators
Committed to Quality, Integrity, and Fairness in Testing since 1995


Do’s and Don’ts: Best Practices for Test Takers

A list of best practices for CCO test takers

laptop test taker construction-cropped 0824_400xAugust 19, 2024—CCO offers more options with more flexibility in taking written exams than ever before.

While the new exam delivery modalities are designed to ensure fair and valid
test results for all candidates, CCO has recently seen a number of incidents resulting in invalidations of written exams.

Candidates taking written exams on every platform – Online Proctored Testing (OPT), Test Center Testing (TCT) and Event Online Testing (EOT) – agree to video and audio recording of the exams in addition to the AI and proctor monitoring used, depending on the platform. These recordings enable CCO to review exams for misconduct.

Unfortunately, video surveillance has shown violations of policies and procedures, jeopardizing the integrity of some test administrations.

As a result of these reviews, CCO has been forced to invalidate nearly 100 exams in the past three months.

The Program Integrity Team (PIT) investigates whenever candidates do something to invalidate their tests – many times that is because they did not do something as simple as follow the on-screen instructions. To help candidates avoid having to retake exams, CCO is providing the following best practices and things to avoid while testing.


  • Read and follow all on-screen instructions
  • Stay visible on camera for the duration of the exam
  • Keep your testing area clear
  • Remain in the testing room
  • Use a whiteboard if you want (Candidates are permitted to have an 8½-inch by 11-inch whiteboard, which must be erased before and after the exam)


  • Use unauthorized material, including physical calculator, pen/paper, cellphone, paper notes or posters/ whiteboards with info on the wall
  • Use computer tools such as digital calculator (other than what is available in the exam)
  • Take unauthorized breaks (no breaks permitted)
  • Frequently look off screen
  • Wear hats, earbuds, or headphones
  • Allow unauthorized individuals in the testing room
  • Read aloud questions or answers
  • Wear a smartwatch
  • Be off-camera (intentionally lean back/ to the side)
  • Cover or turn off the camera

CCO must enforce exam security rules to ensure the integrity and fairness of our exams, so we have extensive measures in place to catch those who try to skirt the system. CCO will continue to monitor all exams and act as necessary against those who do not follow policy.

Candidates are encouraged to review documentation sent to them in preparation for testing to ensure they are familiar with what they may and may not do or have during exams. If anything is not clear, they may contact CCO Customer Service with specific questions.